Home / Engrish / Chinese Company Looks To Hire CPIO (Chief Porn Identification Officer)

Chinese Company Looks To Hire CPIO (Chief Porn Identification Officer)

A third-party internet security firm in Beijing called Anquan recently posted an opening for the position “chief porn identification officer” on its Weibo account.

According to its web site, the company was started in 2010 to “combat bad information on the internet” and promote greater control of pornographic content on the web. Its partners and members include internet giants, like Baidu and Tencent, as well as government agencies that regulate the internet in China.


Li at ChinaSmack posted a translated version of the post:

Job Location: Beijing

Salary: 200,000 RMB/year [$32,348.40 annually]

Job Responsibilities:Quickly and accurately identifying pornographic and obscene websites.

Job Description:
1. Research and study pornographic videos and images, formulate criteria for determining obscenity.

2. Deploy courseware on the standards of obscenity determination, and study materials such as educational videos on pornography.

3. Manage and rate pornographic resources (including BT seeds, images, and online videos).

Job Requirements:
1. Familiarity with the different standards of determination of pornographic content of different countries;

2. Familiarity with the standards of determination and express regulations concerning pornography in China’s law;

3. Familiarity with the standards of pornography identification used by CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) and various major internet providers;

4. A bachelor’s degree or above; age between 20-35; all genders;

5. Possesses good teamwork skills, and a strong sense of responsibility.

1. National standard insurances and additional allowance for meals, transportation and phone.

2. Expenses on relevant books can be reimbursed. Free fruits and yogurt each week day.

3. Free physical examination once every year, and gift for birthday, wedding and child birth.

Below is the original ad from Weibo:


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